Discord Access Request Form
How to use this form:
This form collects contact information for 'ambassadors' from residences and ASA groups who will represent those entities to adMITs in the CPW 2021 Discord. It then adds their kerberos to a database, validates their information, and emails them an invitation to join the Discord.

Note: emails to join the server have not been sent out yet. We're waiting on admissions to let us know when to let everyone into the Discord server (they're finishing up training for moderators). We currently expect to get the goahead sometime closer to CP*, at which point all of your reps will get the instructions/permissions to join.

We populated the list of groups using canonical housing and ASA databases. Dormitories may enter up to 10 representatives; all other groups may submit up to 5. You may submit the form more than once to add up to that cap, but you may not exceed the limit, and you yourself cannot remove a kerberos after it has been added. If you're not sure who is already on the list for your entity, select it in the dropdown and click "submit" to review the current roster.

This form records your kerberos for audit purposes to validate entity leadership and track abuse. Obviously you could trivially mess around with it (and us), but please don't; we're all busy and trying to do the right thing by the prefrosh and it will just get in the way.

If you have any technical issues with this form, please email sipb-discord@mit.edu. If you are not a residence or an ASA group, but believe you need access to the Discord, please email cpw-discord-access@mit.edu; however, please understand that we intend to work principally through formal entities and their ambassadors, just like normal CPW event sponsorship. If you need general support from the admissions office regarding CPW, please email cpw@mitadmissions.org.

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